Thursday, March 15, 2007

Let the sun shine.

We've been having amazingly gorgeous weather this week. It's time to get my pasty white face out in the sun. The word on the street is that spring has arrived around the world. It's just so lovely. This afternoon, my plan was to sit out on our balcony and do a little knitting, but I forgot that our chairs were covered with about an inch of grime and yuck after being outdoors during the rainy and snowy months. I scrubbed and scrubbed and now they're drying. As a result, my knitting project will forge ahead in the comforts of my living room. I've decided to make my first project be a scarf (it's easy and I'll be the one wearing it in case it turns out lopsided and ugly). Not the best choice for this time of the year seeing that winter is over. I started it last night and have already succeeded in screwing up and am starting over again. Sara, I need you to teach me about fixing my many mistakes.

Springtime also means it's time for me to renew my resident card. Darin sent me to the Prefecture today...alone. What?! The anxiety started the minute he told me he wasn't accompanying me (AKA speaking for me). Luckily, all went well. All I did was wait in line just to make an appointment to return with the required massive amount of paperwork which will then result in more waiting for the card to arrive. I've learned the value of patience since moving over here. C'est necessaire.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Ah, the prefecture. That place sucks like no other place I've ever been to in my life!! And my next appointment is on Monday. I just hope beyond hope that I get through it without blowing my top!

Cute socks!