Friday, June 06, 2008

Tissues are required.

Does anyone else listen to the NPR: Storycorps podcast or catch the stories while listening to NPR? If you don't, I believe you're missing out. I download the weekly story and listen to them on my iTunes with a box of tissues nearby. They're required. These stories are amazing. Take some time out of your day and listen to this one, and then this one, and this one, and then this one (my favorite), and then this unbelievable one. Oh yea, and then get pissed off with this one. OK, just listen to them all. You won't regret it.


Jennifer said...

Your favorite is mine, too. How would the world be different if we could all respond like him? I am humbled and inspired at the same time. I like to think I'm a compassionate person, but when it all comes down, would I be? I don't think so. And that makes me sad. But inspired to love more.

Thanks for these!!

pia said...

thanks for the info, I will! I'm a die-hard This American Life girl myself and was thrilled to find them as a free podcast now. Yay!

mim said...

I love TAL and Story Corps and lucky me, when Story Corps' mobile booth came to my city, my son got an appointment and interviewed me about my father. It was really sweet. I loved it and lots of people told me that they heard it on the radio (locally, 'natch) Also, I met a French couple from Annecy two weeks ago and got to speak with them a couple times before they left this past dimanche. How fun that I knew a teeny bit about their city, thanks to you.

Kash said...

OMG I just blogged about the Storycorps last month! I literally began sobbing at work as I was listening to each one after another on the internet. Good stuff.