Thursday, October 25, 2007

Basketball and "This American Life".

TH and I are trying to catch up on listening to the recent podcasts of "This American Life". I think we have 2 months worth in our queue. Over the weekend, we listened to another great one (actually, they're all pretty great) which included a story about this Nike commercial. I don't think I'd ever seen the commercial before, but now I can't stop watching it. These people are incredibly talented and it's also pretty fun to watch. BTW, if you aren't currently listening to the free weekly podcasts of "This American Life", I think you're missing out.


Jennifer said...

I love that show too! Some episodes are better than others, but it's excellent. We could start one called "This French Life" - oh, the things we could say... :)

Jennifer said...

Cool BB players. My favorite Nike commercial now is the one about athletes (who happen to be women). Love it. Don't know if it's on You-tube. "It's not a girl thing, it's not a boy thing, it's a SKILLS thing." Amen sister. TELL it.

ashtanga en cevennes said...

I don't know what I would do without This American Life, because I find it so comforting that by The Magic of the Internet, I can continue my Saturday morning ritual of toast, coffee, and Public Radio.

Anonymous said...

I love This American Life!

(Thanks so much for stopping by my blog a few weeks ago!)

mim said...

Yes, I'm a fan of TAL, and I've added Radio Lab to my podcasts. Have you heard it? It's like TAL but about science. Very excellent program. Try it, you'll like it.

Emily said...

I'm downloading "Radio Lab" right now. Thanks for the recommendation.

Another podcast to listen to while I knit. :)

Hot Cakes said...

I listen to TAL when walking to and from work. I just recently heard the one about this commercial. I've been meaning to look it up ever since I heard it. Yay, you did it for me!