Friday, July 27, 2007

Fighting evil.

I mentioned in a recent blog entry that the volunteers I'm working with each week, are becoming evil. I just don't need to hear weekly comments about: my regression in French, my weight, how I don't know this or that, etc. This negativity spewing from there mouths is not appreciated, so I've started thinking about switching shifts. If this were a paid position, I'd suck it up and ignore, spit back, ignore, but it's not so why stay? This week was my week to determine if I was going to change shifts or not. Luckily, one of the volunteers and I had a great time chatting away about different topics like food, California, her new backpack instructions being in English, food, Le Tour, etc. The other volunteer, Ms. "I know everything and you don't", is a different story. I appreciate her correcting my French when I'm conversing. But, I don't appreciate conversations like this:

Her: "Emily, we need a red pen."
Me: "OK."
(I search through the pen container while she watches me over my shoulder. I pull out handfuls and handfuls of writing instruments, but none are red pens.)
Her: "A pen, a pen, a red pen, a pen, a pen. No, a red pen."
Me: "There are no red pens." (so shut up!!!)

I swear it comes out of her mouth like I don't know what a damn pen is! And, no, it's not that time of the month. I even recently asked a friend how to politely tell her to back off. I mean, calm down, and am waiting for the right moment to let her know that her "I know everything" attitude is worthless to me. I own an invisible "anti-evil" shield. Sorry, too much Harry Potter on the brain right now...


Jennifer said...

I don't blame you - you're not a child and don't need to be talked to like one!
So are you moving on or just switching shifts?

Anonymous said...

Love the picture! :-D

Rebecca H. said...

That bitch, let me at her when I'm in town. How can she treat my sissy-poo like that. Rouge plume (right?).

Ksam said...

I think a nicely timed "If my French is so bad, maybe we should speak in English?" is in order. It must of course be said in a voice dripping with honey to get the full effect.

Emily said...

Great idea, Sam. I might just have to try it next time.

Anonymous said...

Ditto Sam. And Rebecca (although you're not my sissy-poo, more's the pity). Sometimes it can be fun to play dumb with people who are know-it-alls, just to see them get frustrated. Like with the pens, "this one? Oh, OK. Let's see, how about *this* one? Oh, sorry, you must want THIS one? No? Perhaps you had better look then...." Of course, dripping with honey, and moving veeerrryy slowly.

ps. Let us know what you decide re: shifts!

Megan said...

This week I did a translation from english into french (uh, not my native language) for a coworker. This took me about two days to do. He started reading it and said so many insulting things like "Honestly, I thought you had progressed more than this" and "You speak French like a spanish cow." This is the guy that asks me to translate his emails from French into English because he is so bad at English! Guess I won't be doing that any more.

Unknown said...

Urghgh - I hate people like that and just want to smack them over the head with a giant baguette!

Anonymous said...

De-lurking, moi.
People who want to make somebody feel so stupid are sometimes being that way because they feel very jealous and yet for whatever reason (she's a native and HAS be naturally superior?) they can't admit their jealousy. They have to constantly look for ways to belittle the person they're jealous of. They make horrible co-workers!

African Kelli said...

Keep fighting the good fight. You make a great Cinderella, or Snow White you know. :)