Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Good to be home.

I finally arrived in California after 3 days of travel (Geneva - Dublin - NYC - Newark - Houston - San Jose) and how nice it is to be home again. This is my annual trip home and just in time for a delicious turkey dinner with family and a chance to light the menorah and eat some latkes for Hanukkah with even more family. My mom and I went grocery shopping yesterday and she asked that I get whatever I normally eat. Well, they don't have a lot of the same items in France so I decided to get things I would never eat back home. "Is that a new Ben & Jerry's flavor that I must try?" "Cinammon Buns" is the flavor and it's dangerous. Mom wasn't too happy we brought it home because she had to taste it and then fell in love with it too. She asked why I wanted to get it. My answer: because I would never buy it in France...1) B&Js is expensive and 2) this flavor would probably never make it over there. I also had to buy a can of jellied cranberry sauce. And soymilk egg nog. I'm going to return to France in a sugar coma.


Victoria said...

welcome home! what a crazy flight pattern you took to get here!

i hope you have a great thanksgiving.

email me if you want to meet up for a coffee or something next week!

Jennifer said...

So glad you made it home safe and sound!! I hope you got to see your sis in NYC. Let me know your plans while you're home - we'd love to see you.

Rebecca H. said...


SylvChezPlum said...

Glad to hear you're there and having a good time ! Did you manage to knit more squares during the trip ?
A bientot !

Emily said...

Sylvie - I started my second square before I left and am still working on it. :)

Suz. said...

Have a wonderful Hannukah and THanksgiving and enjoy being home!!!

Penny said...

Thinking of you eating that turkey today! Happy Thanksgiving :)

ashtanga en cevennes said...

HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! I'm so jealous.

Rebecca H. said...

BTW - Instead of going out last night, I bought that B&J ice cream at the bodega by my apt. Um, so awesome and now I want to throw up. Thanks for the suggestion. Give M&D&E a kiss from me! :)

Phyllis said...

Welcome back to California! It's nice that Hanukkah and Thanksgiving are close together this year, so you can spend both with your family. Mmmm. Now I have a taste for latkes!