Sunday, February 19, 2006

Jeux Olympiques d'Hiver

D and I have been "Olympic-holics" these past couple weeks. Maybe because we're sad we missed out on purchasing tickets to downhill skiing events knowing the event was being held an hour and a half away from us...maybe to cheer on the competitors from our new home country...maybe to cheer on the competitors from our old home country. Watching the American competitors has made me homesick...for Trader Joe's, cell phone plans that allow more than 3 hours of usage per month, and VPs that shoot their friends..."accidentally". I've recently learned through experience that it's quite easy to watch the Olympic games in French as one doesn't really need to know what the commentators are saying as long as they see who crosses the finish line first, second, and third or gets the first, second, and third best times. But, I do enjoy having D translate for me when a French competitor/team complains to the Olympic Committee that think the race or event was unfair because they didn't win (makes me laugh!) or when an male American Alpine skier says unnecessary things about his competitor. And you wonder why other countries don't like the USA?!

One of my girlfriends from school and a few of her fellow classmates made a last minute decision to bus/train over to Turin and enjoy the Olympic atmosphere for 24 hours as well as try to find tickets to an event. She sent me a message today that she was currently attending one of the events...Curling. Whoo hoo! Now tell me again why that's considered an Olympic sport!?!?!

Oh...we're in the process of purchasing a car...a French one. One that seats more than 2 people. One that's a step above my Tercel would be would have a tape player and a clock. I never thought I'd see the day when I am told it's more efficient and better to buy a car that runs on diesel gas. I thought diesel gas was only utilized in semis! I miss Japanese cars...

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